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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  October 20, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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with a mysterious situation. neighbors were questioned by officers. police have not released the condition of the body or but let them back to this homicide. forensics are looking at a homicide and the identification is being withheld. coroner is going to perform at a latter date. >> take a look for the san mateo bridge it is closed until monday morning at 5:00 a.m. for seismic retrofitting. party bee-parts have been on the east bound and westbound lanes. there is a crane that can lift up to 600 t. the disclosure was needed so they could fully
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fix a crack. they are on schedule and it should be open monday at 5:00 a.m. please be aware that it will be closed next weekend. so it can be completed. expect traffic to be heavier-than- normal. the bay bridge towards the north and the dunbarton. the closure begins on friday october 19th and it will last until monday october 22nd 5:00 a.m. the same for the following weekend. the two consecutive weekends of no san mateo bridge. >> the giants for at&t park at 3:00 a.m. just after the victory. the st. louis cardinals. the family and friends were flown out on the charter planes. buster posy was the winner for the
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team and is its focus is for tomorrow night. to advance to the world series. they will have to have both victories in san francisco but the fans remain hopeful. autosport games they will play at at&t park the lost. >> governor jerry brown joining the teachers' union for a final push to encourage voters to pass proposition 30. what he would be difficult cuts to state programs. it was necessary to sidestep the failure of the legislature to address the budget crisis. this proposition is for additional income taxes over $500,000 per year. and also the of the mentation of a temporary sales tax. >> we have a decent day but nice but not as warm. highs
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in the '60s and '70s. san francisco, 65 degrees. 70's for the east bay. the warmest is it in antioch and santa rosa was nearly 80 degrees. nice conditions in the north bay with low mid- 70s for the east bay. right now temperatures are in the '50s in the 60s with clear skies bay-area wide. tonight and saturday will be upper 50s for san jose. still, some 60s in the north bay. and the east bay as well. as we go towards tonight i think we will see mostly clear skies. a pretty nice evening i can tell you that your traffic is not to organize at the bay bridge. and as we look later there is a meteor shower. right now, the traffic is a little bit difficult of the bay bridge. for the meteor
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shower, there could be 25 shooting stars per hour after midnight. look towards the south with clear skies hopefully. we should have clear conditions. and as the go towards tomorrow things will begin to change with the weather system that is getting closer. the first significant storm system of the season is coming in. still however, sunshine and a few high clouds. for the afternoon of those high clouds will be increasing. eventually, it will be completely cloud with light rain developing into the north bay. by the evening. as far as the conditions for the giants. game 6 i think that it should stay dry. however, mostly cloudy skies temperatures in the 50s and 60s. the rain could begin after 10:00 a.m.-11:00
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p.m. -- for the evening. sunday's temperatures will see 60s. just the very warm spots will get into the 70's in the north bay, and some 70's possible in the south bay. a look at monday showing not much yellow whatsoever is going to be possibly even cooler with 60s. monday is that weather system in the bay area as we take a look at the radar and the satellite there is a weather system to the north. it is moving south as the go for the next 24 hours. it will eventually arrive in the bay area. clouds on monday the best chances of rainfall and the heaviest will be forecast with the north bay. still have a lingering showers on tuesday and wednesday. we will let you know more about that, coming up. >> that popular sunscreen has been recalled banana
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boat. it could be hears burst -- into flames. five people have reported burns. they are asking not to use this altar messed sunscreen. it is believed that it is because of the valve is called the " alter miss ultra- " >> the final word will be the decision on monday for lance armstrong. he will d-- this is the most sophisticated and successful building program allegedly. he has repeatedly denied the claims. this will take place in switzerland. >> more deaths for the palm oil meningitis that is linked to steroid shots for back pain. the fund will meningitis the cdc reporting that 23 deaths have been
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reported at fungal meningitis from the cdc. with three joint infections. fungal meningitis has been in 16 states. this is a special pharmacy and massachusetts it has been recalled. >> turning to a national news conflicting reports this man who was supposedly the spokesman of moammar gaddafi saying that he was captured by militants. however, he had been captured as he was trying to flee a war zone. he became the international face of the regiment. this audio recording has not been verified. >> 11 on the prime minister saying that this deadly car bomb in beirut.
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>> they say they are targeting those that are most vulnerable including the sick and disabled. they're accusing the government of helping the wealthy at the expense of the poor. the prime minister pointing fingers that difficult decisions have been brought to bring down the deficit. we will be back.
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when i take a picture of this check, it goes straight to the bank. oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no! don't worry honey, it only works on checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters.
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amon >> more than 3000 gathered at ocean beach for the 29th annual sandcastle contest. this supports arts, education and it brought 20 teams together. 20--teams were brought together. these sand sculptures 28 teams are sponsored by architectural teams. >> the dew to work is for extreme sports fans in front of civic center plaza. some of the world's most talented athletes have taken to the streets to showcase their skeet boarding and bicycling skills. this is the first time this san francisco has hosted the event. this is an eight year for the seventh.
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>> perhaps try that out in the morning. that is the 8. ash for this--extreme sports event. -- >> and also from the significant storm. it is not a huge storm but it is significant because it is the first sizable storm for this season but. this live look from the golden gate bridge. 55 degrees in pleasanton, 56 and san jose, concord. relatively cool evening sausalito @60 degrees as we take a look at mostly clear skies tonight. with some sunshine to start out the day. the storm system will still be holding out over the pacific clouds, later. by the afternoon we will begin to see those clouds thicken and those will be turning from blue to
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gray. by sunday evening, look for rainfall in the north bay and will spread overnight tomorrow night. and even monday morning could be a wet day. the heaviest rainfall will be and the morning hours. and it is forecast over the north bay. perhaps one half inch of rainfall for monday and into tuesday. some portions of the north bay could get 1 in. and even 2 in. or more for the higher elevations the north bay mountains towards sonoma county. i think this could even stick around for tuesday & wednesday. notice those clouds over the california/oregon state line that moisture. notice that modeled texture some very cool arctic air that will
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spill into the bay area. as we go towards tomorrow. and on monday, tuesday we will see temperatures decreasing quite a bit. futurecast showing the progress of this weather system. for tomorrow, midnight. notice mainly clear. by noon, those are the clouds to the north of the ukiah region. near eureka and on the north coast. however, they will start to become more prevalent in the afternoon and some light rain over the bay area. however, i think that it should hold off until 10:00 p.m. we could see light showers. however, the bulk of the rainfall is forecast for monday. that is when futurecast shows 6:00 a.m. some of that grain. the
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yellow, the orange indicating that-rainfall. on that-green 60s. and i think that we could see improvements with the the rain will get lighter. perhaps even breaks of sunshine by monday afternoon. however, plenty of shower activity over the pacific that will filter through the bay area on tuesday and wednesday. this translates into snowfall for the sierras. cloudy and even a winter storm watch on monday. at 6,000 ft.. even continuing on tuesday. sunday, look for temperatures in the 40's in the 50s. tonight a little bit cooler with mostly clear skies. and the highs will be in the upper 60s, low 70's. temperatures are dropping. for the east bay '60s and '70s. the warmest in
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antioch and keep in mind we were in the '90s just a few weeks ago. 60s for the bayshore. we are expected to see 62 degrees with mid upper 60s for the north bay. '70s to napa. and with your your kron 4 7 day around the bay is the week residual showers tuesday and wednesday. showers off/on. notice these temperatures are cooler. from the coast to the inland valleys and even clearing. thursday, friday with sunshine and the warming trend on next week. we will be back.
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>> inglemwowood was the scene
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where this suspect was shot. they are still trying to figure out the motive. >> michigan motives have been trying to figure out what would be the motive for in various shootings along interstate-96. >> this investigation continues in this historic neighborhood in new orleans on friday. this police started in an abandoned two- story home and crossed the street and burned more buildings. they say that one of the buildings have collapsed. no injuries have been reported. >> some active weather. we
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will watch these numbers go down as the arctic air returns. saturday, and the '50s and still the 60s. fairfield, antioch, 66 degrees for san francisco. richmond, oaklandon ticket these. and as we take a look outside oakland--in the 50s. we could start off with sunny skies for tomorrow. however, there could be cleat high clouds. those could continue to increase for the afternoon. with mostly cloudy for the evening that is what we could see for the giants game. 4:30 game no. 6 will see clouds and rain fall. it could start perhaps not
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until 10:00 p.m. tomorrow looks dry. look for 60s. some of the warmer areas will see 70's but that will dissipate on monday with a cool down. that rainfall will bring cooler temperatures on monday. even shower activity on tuesday. and clouds and sunshine. when we can have warmer weather, coming up.
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>> welcome back. the alameda county sheriff's department is going to start using unmanned drones to fight crime. they will have sensors and cameras to monitor bomb threats and even marijuana growing operations. however civil rights groups are rising privacy concerns. >> forbes magazine has scoured crime statistics and compiled the most dangerous major cities. the bay area city making no. 3 oakland, st. louis and detroit
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memphis thom tenness and even birmingham have up alabama. this is from the crime report from 2011. >> when in doubt, dial it out. starting today you are going to have to dial 11 digits even local numbers. you'll have to dial in number one. and the area code. however, with a and cellphone, no one will be required. >> this live look with blue skies. we are going to see clear conditions for tonight. that is great news
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because we of a meteoric shower. it will be peaking tonight. the earth is passing through the debris of haley's comet. perhaps even 25 shooting stars per midnight it will be after midnight looking south will be the best viewing area. for tomorrow, look for sunshine with a mixture of clouds. the chance of rainfall developing. we will see that spreading to the it should hold off however. the monday morning commute could be impacted the most. with
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rainfall. perhaps one half inch in some locations. higher mountain areas could see 1 in. in some locations even to wenches. that is the highest elevation at sonoma county. and wednesday. the satellite showing clouds streaming through. this is just the first system coming off the pacific. combining with those clouds at the gulf of alaska. and impact in tomorrow showing futurecast. midnight tonight 8:00 p.m. on sunday. we could see some developing rainfall but it could wait and hold off after 10:00 p.m. but monday
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morning, 6:00 a.m. take a look. the north bay indicated by the yellow and the orange. the showers will begin to taper off as we get towards the afternoon. some rain on/off for tuesday. and even look for clouds tomorrow. with 6,000 ft.. that is the same as the level of lake tahoe i will talk more about the winter weather, coming up for this week.
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>> welcome back. this new book is released by iran fisher. this is a victim of an injury sandusky. it is
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called " silence no more " although cheery sandusky maintains his innocence he was convicted in the month of june of abusing 10 boys including this author. the economic recovery is becoming more balanced between the genders. at first it was only impacting boys but women have levelling out the number of unemployment. in september they both saw an increase of 57,000 jobs. they have recovered 32 percent of the jobs and men have gained back 43%. the national women's law center recording. the unemployment rate was 10.2% from 10.6% in the month of august. conductors' say the 15 year- old pakistan the girl who was shot in the head is doing very well. photos
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released she is being released -- treated and england. she is able to stand but she is fighting infection. this is shock and anger from pakistan and run the world. thousands rallied against the country of pakistan. >> a stunning announcement of libya. reports show the late dictator's son died during the country between the transportation of another country. clashes killed dozens and injured least 20 people. >> golden state warriors point guard, cury had another injury on friday
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night against the portland trail blazers. this is the same injury that kept him out of 40 games last season. he underwent surgery last season to hope to return this season. he tried to re- enter the game but it was not allowed. the warriors will officially mark their season october 31st. >> the cal bears and the cardinals met today for the 22nd reading as they defeated the cal bears. 21- 3. they ran to what it 52 yds and the bears were only rushing less. the cardinals led the all-time series with a 58-47 the cardinals will
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take on the >> banana boat has issued a recall not to use 23 of its ultra mist because fo the spray valve... >> the final word on lance armstrong's title could come on monday. the international cycling union is going to make a public announcement next week. they will be responding to the anti- doping report. he was involved in the most sophisticated and professional and successful doping program. he has repeatedly denied the k claims this will -be held in switzerland.
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>> the latest numbers from the cdc 23 deaths have been linked to this outbreak. and this was up from two deaths from yesterday. there have been 3 joint inspections. it has been tied to six cases with 16 states through the united states. this recall is a link to a pharmacy in massachusetts.
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>> welcome back. officers started questioning neighbors. however they do not know the good, they did not hear and the gunshots and did not see anything out of the ordinary. we do not know how this man died or how long the body has been here. police say they received an anonymous tip. they said that they saw w suspicious circumstances. reporting live in antioch. the police are not releasing that many details. just understand that this is a 26 to old man was found dead. 26-year-old. there are even looking under the garage possibly looking for a gunshots or casings under the garage eaves... they are
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looking with their flashlights. just trying to see any bullet holes or anything could possibly lead them to understand why this and died. and how he died. we will certainly bring you the latest. reporting live, kron 4. >> >> this rainfall will not start until monday. i think that we could see some drops for night but will be after sunset. this live in view of city hall we are eliminated in >> mostly cloudy skies. and
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temperatures will be upper 50s and 60s. it is going to be fall like. the future cast showing some wet weather coming our way. monday. we are looking at midnight tonight. notice mostly clear but those clouds will begin to fill for tomorrow. and for tomorrow still in the clear skies. and w sat ha some high clouds drifting in. the rainfall however is not going to arrive until late. the forecast model showing some spinning but right now i think that it will stay dry with the exception of sonoma county. the bulk of the rainfall will begin to enter the picture for the monday morning commute. 6:00 a.m. notice, there are light/moderate rain chances. the heaviest will be near
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santa rosa indicated by the yellow and the orange. that will shift bay-area white. showers beginning to taper for the afternoon with partial clearing bay-area wide-- >> and also some of that on your left side of your screen. showers. that will maintain the shower activity tuesday and wednesday. however not quite widespread were persistent but breaks of sunshine intermittent. temperatures? tomorrow be a little bit cooler with 50s. even 30's in napa. 48 in livermore. the afternoon highs will reach the upper 60's and 70's. would sunshine in the morning and increase clouds for the afternoon. 60s for the bayshore. alameda, 60s. look
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for upper 60s to right around 70's for the north bay. monday, breaks of sunshine with heavy rainfall possible for your morning commute. spotty showers. with cooler temperatures. but we will begin to see sunshine and a warm-up. towards the weekend. >> conflicting reports out of libya this man that claim to be a moammar gaddafi spokesperson denied that he was captured from libya of militias. this was posted on a website. claiming that he was trying to flee fighting after he was captured. this audio recording has not been verified. >> the prime minister of lebanon as saying that this a deadly crime car bomb has
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linked serial card this killed the chief of intelligence and seven other people the prime minister is saying that the intelligence chief exposed an alleged plot of syria. today is a national state in the morning for those victims. crowds took to the streets expressing their anger. >> protesters in the united kingdom of followed recent government cutbacks. the thousands in london marched because of the austerity measure are targeting the most vulnerable the sick and the disabled. they're accusing the government of helping the wealthy at the expense of ordinary families. the prime minister is defending the government that difficult decisions had to be made to bring down the deficit. stay with us. we will be back.
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with over 200 varieties, keurig makes brewing a delicious cup of coffee simple. how does it brew such great coffee? well... inside the brewer are these green fields of coffee, and if you travel up this mountain, there's this huge coffee grinder. and then the coffee lands in this cup and water rushes through. actually, i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig.
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>> there have been questions about voter registration with registration forms found in a dumpster. >> they found discarded registration forms with a political firestorm that led to an arrest. this 22 year- old from pennsylvania is facing felony and misdemeanor charges waterfront and even obstruction of justice. he works for a firm trying to get potential voters sought up. the alleged crimes were isolated and did not appear to be targeting a specific party. however they are also occurring. >> there is no way to tell what party they are affiliated with. >> that has not kept
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democrats from crying foul. the virginia party have both called on the attorney general to watch and launched the investigation to make sure that this is not part of a larger republican act. >> the gop fired back saying that there will not tolerate any action that threaten the electoral process. third- party voter drives can be risky or simply a lack of safeguards. >> they are doing a service that helps people getting registered. however you were giving your personal information to a complete stranger. >> george zimmerman of the man being charged with second-degree murder of three on march and had a small battle on friday. this
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could help the case of zimmerman. >> george zimmerman sat quietly in court looking stoic and heavier the last time we saw him. >> when your and semi confinement and you cannot really move around or exercise your appearance for change. >> he says that he shot it trade on margin in 17 year- old in self-defense. now, they have access to social media ought and school records of. >> they say that they speak to a tree on martin's propensity to violence. -- trayvon's... propensity to violence. >> the prosecution said that when they came to school records prosecutors and the family said that they are irrelevant. at the time of his death in february he had been suspended for having an
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empty bag of marijuana this question has been who has been the aggressor? zimmerman or martin? it will be up to a jury to decide. >> the weather is nice. including right here in oakland. however the traffic not so nice. mostly clear skies. it is kind of cool transitioning from a summer weather to. winter-like conditions for next week. monday, tuesday. 50s through santa clara, clairemont. sunshine and high clouds increasing. however that weather system is moving into northern clouds will increase in the
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chance of rainfall. in the north bay sonoma county. and there will be the big day for rainfall. notice the green indicating 60s however lookit sunday. rainfall expected. periods of rain fall and the heaviest will be forecast for the north bay. perhaps one half-inch for other areas. tuesday, still a mixture of clouds, sun and show on thursday, we are
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going to see it will be clearing out. slightly warmer temperatures and getting nicer on friday, saturday. sunshine and '70s. we will be back.
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>> alex cross wants to make
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a big splash and also something just in time for halloween. what is on the big screen in " no shelling. >> alex cross could have met his match. the james patterson best-selling series is the savvy washington d.c. detective with a mastermind criminal. this time the agenda is too close to home. >> by the white--your wife looks stunning! your wife. >> tyler. is the title character. it is pg-13. >> this is looking to work with his sex therapist. this is with helen hunt. >> should we start again?
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>> sessions received top honors at the sundance film festival. >> just when you thought that you hea had enough. there s a third festiva installment. ths strange family moved into an otherwise quiet neighborhood. now the court is around a small boy with a very dark side. with a very dark side. paranormal before his rated r. >> this curious raccoon will not be wandering take a look. this visitor was able to capture this incident as a chimpanzee throws it. and later he tries to escape. the chimpanzee grubs the raccoon tails he survived and was able to escape. the weather with rainfall.
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>> it is okay. which will see sunshine and clouds. it will hold off until late. the weekend is safe but monday we could see some what weather for the entire day. >> and other nice weekend. >> it looks good. that will to it for us this see you 11:00 p.m. thank you for watching
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"entertainment tonight," the worldwide leader in entertainment news. >> it's official. justin and jessica are husband and wife. "e.t." is on the ground in italy with the details. their romantic week, inside the resort, what we know about the dress, and do they have a prenup? and the latest on robert and kristen getting back together. the story behind his awkward speech. >> why do actors have to be able to speak? >> did this pro dancer come between russell crowe and his wife. >> did y


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